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> ds-h v.Alpha

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Nome File ds-h v.Alpha di OniAle
Inviato Saturday 27 November 2010 - 11:56
Ultimo Aggiornamento Saturday 27 November 2010 - 11:56
Tipo File Tipo File (rar - application/x-rar-compressed)
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Dimensione File 188.91k (Tempo di Download Stimato)
Visite 8393
Downloads 119
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Braware rilascia ds-h, applicazione che trasformerà in armonica il vostro Nintendo DS.
Ovviamente è ancora in versione Alpha, quindi ancora c'è molto da fare; però come dice il coder, PROVATELO!

Parole dell'autore:
How about to close the lid of your DS, hold it as a real harmonica and blow a song?

New homebrew from Braware is right here! However, it’s just an alpha version, just for you to take a look at this and realize how amazing it is.

After playing, you will ask yourself ”but, how can I change the notes?”. Just wait and your questão will be answered.

This homebrew allows you to play with your DS in a way that you have never seen before!

What are you wainting for? Try it.

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