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> SeaWolf v1.0

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Nome File SeaWolf v1.0 di Gid
Inviato Friday 22 January 2010 - 12:49
Ultimo Aggiornamento Friday 22 January 2010 - 12:50
Tipo File Tipo File (rar - application/x-rar-compressed)
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Mark-io ha rilasciato la prima versione di SeaWolf, che come qualche giocatore di vecchia data avra' gia' capito si rifa' al coin-op omonimo della Midway datato 1976.
Lo scopo del gioco e' quello di lanciare dei missili torpedo per distruggere vari tipi di navi che si muovono su schermo, ognuno con la sua lunghezza, velocita' e punteggio, cercando al contempo di evitare di colpire le bombe nel fondo del mare.
Ecco la presentazione dell'autore:
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This game recreates the look and feel of the original Sea Wolf coin-op arcade game released in 1976 by Midway It probably was the first video game i ever played. In Sea Wolf you take the controls of a submarine and torpedo enemy ships. There are five different types of ship and each kind has a specific length, speed and score value. Floating mines just below the water's surface can block a torpedo from hitting a ship. After launching five torpedoes, you must wait a few moments to reload.

This version is a strange mixture of old skool black & white gameplay and a 'modern' interface but i think it works. It started out as a little side-line experiment but kinda grew out of my control. It has a couple of nice features like positional audio with authentic sounds, animated and largely functional instrument panel, high score, Easter Egg surprise and a "secret" operator settings dipswitch.

L'homebrew dispone di molte feature particolari e sfiziose, per non parlare di qualche piccolo easter egg... provatelo!

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