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> FalloutDS 0.5 TechDemo

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Nome File FalloutDS 0.5 TechDemo di The Game
Inviato Tuesday 3 May 2011 - 09:02
Ultimo Aggiornamento Tuesday 3 May 2011 - 09:23
Tipo File Tipo File (rar - application/x-rar-compressed)
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Dimensione File 673.46k (Tempo di Download Stimato)
Visite 5376
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Foxi4 rilascia la prima versione di FalloutDS. La grafica è stata rippata da Fallout 2. L'autore ci tiene a precisare che il gioco non è un porting, bensì avrà una storia tutta nuova.
Questa versione è ancora una TechDemo, ciò vuol dire che non si può fare quasi nulla e non è pensata per essere giocata. Vedetela più come un test.

Parole dell'autore:
I don't remember ever asking this *closed* Alpha to be posted. I put it on DSGM forums for others to view, but mainly because I was interested how many people will download it in the first place. Hosting it on multiple pages makes counting every download together a chore, and since it's posted here, I bet my shorts it already sprouted a quadrillion of other download links. Grrrrreat. Well, what happened cannot be undone - this is the internet.

It looks "primitive" because it's not even supposed to be played by anyone yet.

- The project is obviously a Work In Progress. Much will change before the barebones engine is complete.
- The graphics are indeed rips straight from the Fallout 2 files. Yes, I'm aiming at a nostalgic feel.
- I'm planning to add original Fallout 2 SFX, however the music will be a pleasant compilation of old tunes which will be *collectible* as Holodiscs, plus the standard Fallout music when you won't feel like using the PodBoy.
- This is NOT a port, it will be an entirely new story. No spoilers yet
- A whole RPG coded by 1 person is not a tall order in the slightest when most of the GFX are readily available. It's the converting process that takes the most time, not the coding itself.

I'm happy about the attention, but next time just post the project thread instead of an auxilary download link.
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