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> Ripholes in Rubbish

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Nome File Ripholes in Rubbish di Gid
Inviato Saturday 5 December 2009 - 12:20
Ultimo Aggiornamento Saturday 5 December 2009 - 12:20
Tipo File Tipo File (rar - application/x-rar-compressed)
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Dimensione File 4.84mb (Tempo di Download Stimato)
Visite 4107
Downloads 163
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Sei studenti dell'universita' California Santa Cruz hanno creato questo homebrew-game chiamato Ripholes in Rubbish, misto tra un simpatico e originale platform e puzzle.
In Ripholes in Rubbish intepreterete un avatar alla ricerca del suo amico Arky in questo mondo che altri non e' che un quaderno di bozzetti: la particolarita' del gioco e' di poter "strappare" e incollare alcuni punti ben precisi dello sfondo e del paesaggio in modo da superare i vari livelli (o sarebbe meglio dire "le varie pagine del quaderno"). Il nostro avatar potra' comunque saltare e muoversi a suo piacimento, ma l'abilita' di "copia-incolla" e' fondamentale per andare avanti nella ricerca di Arky... provatelo!

Ecco a voi una piccola descrizione del gioco presa dal sito ufficiale!
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The world of Ripholes in Rubbish takes place in a sketch book. The player takes the role as a sketched avatar in a magical animated land. Her goal is to find her lost friend, Arky.

Ripholes’ core mechanic is the player’s ability to rip and paste level elements and other game characters. Although the player can move and jump freely, they will not be able to complete all the levels without using their ripping ability.

The game is broken down into different levels, or sketchbooks. These levels are further broken down into pages.

The ripping ability’s first noticeable effect is that it freezes time, allowing the player to rip and paste anywhere within the main screen and within the same page as the avatar. The player has a limit of three ripped objects she can hold in her inventory at any time, and objects can only be pasted once they’ve been ripped into the player’s inventory. Ripping creates a hole that the player can pass through, such as on the page below or a page above if the player is standing underneath it. Ripping in white space will create only a hole, and the blank paper is discarded by the avatar.

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