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Nome File dualHexen di OniAle
Inviato Tuesday 18 May 2010 - 20:35
Ultimo Aggiornamento Tuesday 18 May 2010 - 20:35
Tipo File Tipo File (zip - application/zip)
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Dimensione File 325.45k (Tempo di Download Stimato)
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Dopefish rilascia una nuova versione di dualHexen, porting di Hexen per NDS.
Il progetto è stato modificato da quello di Sector's, che a sua volta aveva modificato HeXen DS. laugh.gif

Vi ricordo che per funzionare dovete avere il file del gioco HEXEN.WAD che andrà messo in /data/hexen/, il file .nds potete metterlo benissimo nella root della vostra SD.

# Saving/Loading games (however savegames are not compatible with the PC version
# Inventory manipulation via the touchscreen:

* Touch the image of the active inventory item to use it.
* Touch the empty area just to the right of the item to bring up the inventory bar.
* Touch an item in the inventory bar to make it the active item.
* If you have more than 7 items in inventory, select the one at the edge to scroll, then return to your inventory.
* This interface could stand to be improved, but it is functional.

# Altered control configuration:
A = fire
B = use (i.e. open doors)
Y = jump
X = cycle weapons
L = strafe left
R = strafe right
D-Pad = move forward/backwards, turn left/right
Touchscreen = mouselook, inventory

Da fixare:
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* Sound works but not music
* Controls are not configurable in game
* There is a level warp and a 'give all' cheat on the menu
* I've gotten somewhat frequent out-of-memory crashes. Most annoyingly, if this happens while saving over an existing save slot, you can lose your savegame.
* The source is built with old versions of devkitARM and libnds (check the readme for exact versions). I was too lazy to change this.

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