Nebuleon rilscia una nuova versione di TempGBA, emulatore del GBA esclusivo per la Supercard DS TWO. Attualmente č il miglior emulatore GBA per il DS e si sta migliorando pian piano. Installazione: CITAZIONE Mettete i file tempgba.plg, tempgba.bmp e tempgba.ini nella cartella _dstwoplug. Mentre la cartella TEMPGBA va messa nel root ed al suo interno va inserito il BIOS del GBA, che per motivi legali non č presente nell'archivio, perciņ non chiedete dove scaricarlo. Caratteristiche:
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Emulator * ARG support for loading the emulator using a file browser's associations. Thanks, BassAceGold! * 16 saved state slots are available, and you can overwrite any state. You can also see the screenshot of a state you're about to overwrite or delete! * Writes a .sav file to storage 10 frames (1/6 of a second) after it's done being written to the emulated GBA's save area (since beta 8). * Button remapping is available globally and per-game for GBA buttons Start, Select, L and R. NDSGBA 1.30 has remapping per-game for A, B, rapid A and rapid B. * Hotkeys! A rewind hotkey, L+Y, is user-definable globally and per game; there are also hotkeys to go to the main menu (since beta 4), to fast-forward, to mute (since beta 7) and to quickly load and save state #1 (since beta 8). * CPU speeds imported from CATSFC. 360 MHz is selected by default. * FPS counter! Now you can see how many frames you get per second (since beta 8)! Yay! * Lower screen gaming and booting from the GBA logo (since 1.41). * Cheat support may have deteriorated (as of beta 1). * Incorporate a fix for filesystem corruption by BassAceGold. Handles Short File Names (SFN) and Long File Names (LFN) more correctly and prevents duplicate aliases (two files named MARIO~01.RTS, for example) (since beta 14).
Game compatibility * Patched Classic NES/Famicom Mini games may work. * Doom, Doom II, Duke Nukem Advance, Golden Sun, Golden Sun 2, Mario Golf: Advance Tour, Mario Tennis: Power Tour run with much more framerate (in beta 12, beta 14, and 1.41 memory-access-3). * Golden Sun 2 and Tales of Phantasia don't return oddly to the EOS Menu anymore (as of beta 12). * game_config.txt support has been restored! This improves game compatibility and is required by some 128 KiB-save games to correctly save. * game_config.txt translation gate support has been dropped (as of 1.41 memory-access-3). However, improvements in the recompiler made them unnecessary.
Emulator menu * The 8 languages of CATSFC are in TempGBA. Some messages are still in English. * All interfaces have 8 rows instead of 6. * The rewind option was "Rewind enable" and "Rewind period". It is now only one option. * The frame skipping option was "Frame skip type" and "Frame skip value". It is now only one option. * The menu recognises button presses and releases more consistently, including rapid presses of the same key (since beta 6). Auto-repeating is set to fire 20 times per second so you can browse long lists more easily.
DS functionality * The menu has touch screen support. Thanks for the CATSFC improvement, ShadauxCat! * Close the lid of your DS and it shall sleep if it's in the menu (as of alpha 2) or emulating (as of beta 8).
Audio * A core issue with the GBA sound is fixed by issuing sound at 88200 Hz and resampling it to 44100 Hz (since alpha 7, changed in betas 3-5). This fixes the sound in some GBA Video cartridges and Golden Sun - The Lost Age. * Sound crackles/bubbles less in slower games (improved variously in alphas 3-7). * Fast-forwarding can have sound (since alpha 2), and it is dampened to prevent loud pops (since beta 11); in NDSGBA it could not. You can mute it.
Menu/Extras * The default skin, icon set and font are that of CATSFC, with a prettier GBA icon for game files and a GBA controller loading screen. * The text colors are now loaded in TEMPGBA/SYSTEM/GUI/uicolors.txt for theming (since 1.41). * A useful, Engrish-free README file is included. * Fewer writes to settings files. Settings files are rewritten only once you exit a submenu, and only if you've changed a setting in that submenu. If you don't change settings from their defaults for a game, the game can now have no settings file at all. This also uses up fewer erase cycles on storage cards * It has become impossible to set certain gpSP options by hex-editing ndsgba.cfg (since alpha 3).