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> StellaDS v1.1

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Nome File StellaDS v1.1 di Aurelio
Inviato Friday 20 May 2011 - 21:57
Ultimo Aggiornamento Sunday 29 May 2011 - 13:18
Tipo File Tipo File (zip - application/zip)
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Dimensione File 423.14k (Tempo di Download Stimato)
Visite 9244
Downloads 37
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Alekmaul rilascia una nuova versione di StellaDS, un emulatore dell' Atari 2600, basato su Stella v1.4.2(emulatore Atari 2600 per PC).

Di seguito il changelog:
V1.1 : 22/05/2011
* Adding launch arguments so that other menus can be used for loading roms (Thx
BassAceGold for the tip )
* Fix power on/off graphics pb when return to menu (Thx Another World for the tip)
* Add more easy understanding message when no game in current diretory (Thx
Another World for the tip)
* Change sound when we quit emulator
* Add X/Y/R/L/SELECT button for each trigger
* Add Left Difficulty trigger
* Preliminary paddle support with button A and pad left/right (use Reset in "breakout"
to play, not fire button like in Atari Classic Nds game)
* Fix some few other bugs
* A bit faster (1~2 fps )
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StellaDS v1.0 StellaDS_v1.0.zip Fri 20 May 2011- 21:57

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